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Tell me about you

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Overall what do you think about the lab?

Overall, how would you rate your experience in the lab?
How would you rate the overall quality of the research in the lab?*
How would you rate the social environment in the lab?*
How would you rate the safety conditions in the lab?*
Do you think that the people in the lab created a workspace free of sexual harassment or gender and racial discrimination?*
How helpful was the meetings with Dr. George?*
Would you recommend people to work in the lab?*

Tell me about your project and your mentor

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How would you rate your mentor overall?*
How would you rate the availability of your direct mentor?*
Were you properly trained with detailed hands on and written protocols?*
How would you rate the level of knowledge/skills of your mentor?*
Were you intellectually challenged by the research project?*
Do you wish you were given more responsibilities, work, or more challenging procedures to perform?*
Did you analyze data and/or perform statistical analysis on your own?*
Did you participate in the interpretation of the data with your supervisor?*
Do you think that this internship will move you closer to your career goals?*

Final thoughts