Iowa State Personal Training Services Request Form

*Access to facilities and trainer assignments will be limited during the holiday break. Regular operations will resume on January 21st. Questions contact*

Are you a...*
Current exercise level/experience*
What is your preference for a trainer?*

*Note our gym is open 6am-12am Mon-Thurs, and 6am-10pm Fri

*Note our gym is open 8am-6pm on Saturdays

*Note our gym is open 8am-12am on Sundays

How many times a week do you want to work with a trainer?*
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U-Bill Information

By selecting U-Bill I authorize Iowa State University to apply a one time charge to my U-Bill for the cost of the PT package I choose in order to onboard with Personal Training with Recreation Services.

I understand that by submitting this form I am responsible for all charges that are accrued as a result of violations of this agreement, and such charges will be billed directly to my University Bill (U-Bill) presented on AccessPlus. ISU may also impose a late payment charge computed at a periodic monthly rate of 1% per month on the balance or an annual percentage rate of 12% when computed from the billing date. The unpaid account may be referred for collection, and customer shall pay all collection costs and reasonable attorney’s fees if ISU must take action to recover any past due amounts. Unpaid charges may prevent you from registering for classes for the following semester or from obtaining your diploma/transcripts until paid in full.

Select or enter value
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Thank you for submitting the form to request our personal training services. We will get back to you shortly with information on personal trainer assignment.

If you do not hear back within 8 days please email Nora Hudson at

Thank you!