Sample Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Focused

After completing this form, you will receive emails depending on your answers in the Knowledge Check Section. If you pass the Knowledge Check with 4 of 5 questions correct, you will receive an email with a you will receive an email with a link to a personalized certificate. If you do not pass the Knowledge Check, you will receive an email with some feedback and a link to try again. Emails can take up to 60 minutes to arrive; thank you for your patience. Be sure to add the domain "" to your safe senders list.

Please email Bill Brown if you have any questions at

Your Information

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Some districts are their own AU while others belong to a BOCES. If you do not see your district in the drop-down list, try searching by county name, or select the BOCES to which your district belongs. Districts are listed first, then BOCES, then universities, facility schools, and other public agencies. If your school district is not its own Administrative Unit - select "Other - School District"

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Webinar Evaluation


The content of this webinar aligned with my professional goal.


I learned strategies that I can implement immediately with my students:

Future Use*

I will use this information to modify and individualize my interventions.

Please provide any additional comments you would like to share.

Knowledge Check

If you pass the Knowledge Check with 4 of 5 questions correct, you will receive an email with a link to a personalized certificate. If you do not pass the Knowledge Check, you will receive an email with some feedback and a link to try again. Emails can take up to 60 minutes to arrive; thank you for your patience. Be sure to add the domain "" to your safe senders list.

Q1. True or false: The competing pathways models can only be used for observable.*
Q2. True or false: Stress scales can be used to measure a student’s progress towards their goal of facing feared situation.*
Q3. True and False: When using a DBR (direct Behavioral Rating scale) decision-making rules need to be created to allow for the interpretation of the data being collected.*
Q4. A strength-based profile includes which of the following:*
Q5. The behavior section of the plan needs to include:*