Terms of Vending:
-Accepted vendors MUST notify Main Street Newnan in advance if they cannot attend a market.
-Accepted vendors will not receive a refund if they choose to cancel.
Accepted vendors who 'no show' two consecutive Market Days without providing notification may not be considered for future markets.
-10 x 10 booth space will be given to each vendor. The booths will be numbered and marked in order. Tents should be no larger than 10 x 10, and preferably white. Tents are required to have weights on all four legs.
- Vendors are to set up their space in consideration of visitors with disabilities. Per Federal precedence, vendors must allow a minimum of 4ft. between your booth and the end of the sidewalks or any objects on the square. This might mean that your booth includes benches, monuments, checkerboard tables, etc. Please review Americans with Disabilities Act if you have any questions regarding these regulations.
-The Market Manager has the right to alter or change vendor booth set up if it is considered a safety risk.
-Main Street Newnan does not provide set up supplies or materials for vendors (tents, extension cords, etc.)
-Main Street Newnan encourages vendors to have a visible sign designating the name of the business. It is the responsibility of the vendor to maintain a clean work space within their assigned area, and to leave the area free of debris. Vendors may not use public trash receptacles for disposal of boxes and/or trash. Vendors found leaving trash or debris on the square may not be considered for future market. This includes grease from food preparation and related waste.
-Vendors are discouraged from using tobacco products on the square.
-Vendors are liable for their products and the paying of sales taxes.
-Main Street Newnan and the City of Newnan are not responsible for any damaged or stolen goods.
-Setup begins at 8:00am. Vendors are allowed to unload vehicles on the court house square between 8:00am and 9:30am. All vendors must be set up by 9:30am and must have their cars removed from the Court House Square, and into one of the City of Newnan’s Public Parking lots by 9:30am. If a vendor is identified as not moving their vehicles, the vendor will not be reconsidered.
-Vendors who require a set up time prior to 8:00am must notify Main Street Newnan in advance.
-Vendors who arrive after 9:30am will not be allowed to set up unless special arrangements have been made with the market manager prior to the Market Day.
-If you are bringing a trailer, please unload the trailer in front of your booth location and park it with your car in a City of Newnan public parking lot. Please bring small orange caution cones to place behind your trailer for visibility during loading and unloading.
-The market ends at 2:00pm and vendors are not allowed to sell any items on the square after this time.
-Downtown Newnan is handicapped accessible. If you need help please plan accordingly and provide documentation in advance.
-Vendors must keep their displays up until the end of the market unless they are given permission by the Market Manager to leave early.