Deposit Request Form

Use this to enter a new check that will be delivered to EBO. Complete 1 form for each check received. Do this for all checks you will deliver to EBO regardless of account number.

Your Information

(First and Last)

Relation to CSU*

Deposit Information

Type of Deposit*

Please chose the type of deposit. If you're unsure, select "Other" and list the information you have in the "Purpose" field. If more information is needed, someone in EBO will follow-up.

Reimbursement Type*

NOTE: If this is for multiple accounts or sub-accounts, please include the appropriate proportions here.

(If applicable)

Check Information

Enter the payer's name here.

Upload a copy of the check and any other relevant documentation. These files are kept within EBO only. Please redact the account number and routing number prior to upload.

Drag and drop files here or