Departmental and Campus

Event Sign Language Interpreter/Live Captioning Request Form

This form is for requesting a sign language interpreter or captioning services for departments and/or campus events. If you are an enrolled UT student or a Deaf/Hard of Hearing faculty or staff member requesting service, please do not use this form. All information requested on this form is necessary to secure services.

Disability and Access will prioritize requests made by/for a Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing (D/HH) student, staff, and faculty. We ask that all requests be made with at least three business days’ notice if it is for a D/HH individual and ten business days’ notice if it is not. We will make every attempt to coordinate D/HH requests made with less notice, but we cannot guarantee that services will be provided.

If you cancel services, you must email Disability and Access Deaf/HH Services at at least 24 business hours (Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm) in advance to avoid any charges.

Centralized funding is available for interpreting/captioning services for university faculty and staff. The cost for such services for events open to the public is generally the responsibility of the hosting unit or entity; however, requests for centralized funding for such events will be reviewed and determined on a case-by-case basis. For questions regarding centralized funding for events, please contact Dr. Jennifer Maedgen, Senior Associate Vice President, at or (512) 232-2910.


Type of Service Requesting*

Is this request being made to provide communication access to any specific Deaf or Hard of Hearing individual (s)?*

*While we appreciate efforts to provide proactive communication access, interpreters and captionists are a limited resource and need to be prioritized for events that require communication access due to an accommodation request or the event being open to the public. We encourage you to include an accommodation request statement on your event registration so you will know if a participant needs communication access as an accommodation.*

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