Faculty Partner Application Form

The information you share here will be used to create your profile on the Faculty Partner website (www.cengage.ca/faculty-partners) and in other marketing materials that share who you are and your expertise with your peers in Canada.

If you have a personal or professional website or a social media account where you’re active, please share it here with us.

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Which of these describes you and the courses you teach using Cengage’s online learning platforms?

Please share what other area you’d like added to your faculty partner profile?

Please select from the options below *

Do you have experience with any other online learning platform(s) and/or OER (open educational resources)?

Please share which other online learning platforms/OER you have experience with and how recent this was – last semester, many years ago, reviewed extensively but did not use, etc.

Ex: academic integrity, hybrid teaching and learning, generative AI in education, or other areas of research/expertise

(150-250 words. Please give us an idea of your educational background and teaching experience)

(MindTap, SAM, WebAssign, CNOWv2, OWLv2)

Why are you excited to share your experiences with Cengage digital product(s) with other faculty members?

Are you open to opportunities that require travel?*

Is there anything else that you'd like us to know? Is there anything else you think would be useful to share with Canadian faculty?

Is there anything else you’d like to get out of your membership in the Cengage Canada Faculty Partner Network?

If you're willing, please share a headshot or professional looking photo of yourself here.

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