Toothbrush Kit Member Feedback Form
Please use this form to provide feedback regarding the toothbrush kit you received during your care visit.
Other languages and formats: You can get this document in another language, large print, or another way that is best for you. You can also have a language interpreter. Call 888-788-9821 (TTY/TDD 711).
Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization must follow state and federal civil rights laws. We cannot treat people unfairly in any of our services or programs because of a person’s age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, hay disponibles servicios de ayuda con el idioma sin costo alguno para usted. Llame al 1-877-605-3229 (TTY: 711). 注意:如果您說中文,可得到免費語言幫助服 務。請致電 1-877-605-3229(聾啞人專用:711)