We all know that having children as a medical student, resident, fellow, or early faculty can be both wonderful and challenging. The Muriel Steele Society is seeking faculty who have children who would be interested in mentoring a new parent. We are seeking mentors of all genders and the trainees will have the opportunity to select from a list of mentors the person that they think best fits their needs.
Examples of how previous mentees have used the mentor/mentee relationship include discussing challenges operating during long cases in the third trimester, childcare difficulties, perceptions of stigma, advice for pumping on busy OR days, how to find time for family during training, how to balance childcare duties with your partner, or talking about difficult rotations.
While up to you when and how to meet, we strongly suggest that you plan to meet 3 or more times with your mentee (including at least one meeting after welcoming baby). Other than that, there are no other requirements to participate as a mentor.
Thank you for your interest - we appreciate your help in continuing to build a strong community of surgeon parents!