DFS Satisfaction Survey for Office Depot Supplies Program

If you could please take a few moments to complete this survey, it would be appreciated.

General Questions

Please let us know how Office Depot is doing!

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with Office Depot's service?
2. How responsive has Office Depot been to your questions or concerns?
3. How satisfied are you with delivery of your products to your location?
4. Rate your satisfaction with Office Depot in terms of their Customer Service Team's knowledge and responsiveness.
5. If you contacted Office Depot Customer Service, have all problems been resolved to your complete satisfaction?
6. What type of products are you ordering from Office Depot?

Website Navigation Questions

Please let us know how you like the Office Depot website!

7. How easy do you find the website to find the products that you are seeking?
8. How easy is it to identify an item on the website which has been negotiated with the deepest discount for DFS (best value/core items)?
9. Are you able to find the specific products you need marked as “Best Value” items?
10. How satisfied are you with the product selection on the website?
11. What best describes your ordering activity?


If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them!

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your feedback will be shared with your Procurement Team and Office Depot resources to help improve your experience!