Commercial Driveway/Sidewalk (DS) Permit Requests

These requests are for Commercial DS permits that are tied to a building permit (BP). If you have a BP, one DS permit has automatically been created.

If your work will occur on more than one street, each street will require its own DS permit.

If you need more than one DS *or* your request is not tied to a BP, please fill out an application online at To read more about DS permits visit our webpage.

If you still have additional questions or to withdraw your application, email

You can also include the site plan number.

If you are not the licensed Right of Way Contractor, then you MUST be an authorized agent to receive this permit. Direct your Right of Way Contractor to complete the Authorized Agent Form here.

When submitting a job description, there is basic information that is required:

  • What? (ex: driveway, sidewalk, and/or curb and gutter)(linear footage for each structure)
  • Where? (ex: approach from alley or sidewalk along Sample Road)
  • Why? (ex: new, demo, repair, or modify)
  • How? (ex: Concrete mixer truck to pour from parking lane or using wheelbarrow mix and only closing the sidewalk)

If using a standard detail, the closure can NOT exceed 14 consecutive days.

If using an engineered TCP, the duration of the work will be included on your barricading summary table.

NOTE: If using an engineered TCP, you will need a Temporary Use of Right of Way Permit (TURP).

This should NOT include the sidewalk that runs the width of the new driveway.

If there is more than one driveway, an additional DS permit will be needed for each additional driveway. Apply for that additional DS permit through the ABC Portal,

NOTE: Do NOT include driveways that you will be demoing in this number.

This width should NOT include driveway wings. Provide the width at the driveway expansion joint.

This should not include the cuts of curb and gutter (C&G) for the new driveway, only for replacing C&G outside of the NEW driveway approach.

A right of way structure is defined as a driveway, sidewalk, median, or curb and gutter. Structure cuts will only include cutting existing structures.

NOTE: Curb and gutter is considered 1 structure.

NOTE: If you are cutting a travel lane, you need to apply for an Excavation (EX) Permit.

Will any lane closures be required for the concrete pour?*

Include any standard details. If the TCP was engineered, please attach the approved TCP.

Attach applicable plans, TCP, etc.

Drag and drop files here or

1.) I do not have an outstanding violation to a permit issued under Chapter 25 of the City of Austin Code in the two years preceding the date of this application. 2.) I acknowledge that I am the Licensed Contractor or that the Licensed Contractor has given me permission to assign them to this permit. 3.) If application fee applies, I acknowledge that fee must be paid before submittal will be reviewed.

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You must click *SUBMIT* at the bottom when done.