Presentations and Materials Request
Please be detailed. This could include specific culture or language groups, immigrants, those with access and functional needs, intellectual or developmentally disabled, veterans, people over the age of 60, etc.
Event Descriptions - PLEASE READ:
General Preparedness Presentation: A 90 minute “all hazards” presentation covering hazards in Multnomah County (including severe weather and the Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake), Alert and Warning systems, and all hazards Preparedness. This presentation can be modified for specific audiences.
Training: Topic-specific training events that may include Train the Trainer events, CPR/First Aid, Incident Command Systems, Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP), and other topics.
Print Materials/Resource Request: Multnomah County Emergency Management maintains a supply of educational pamphlets and emergency preparedness materials that can be shared with community groups. The inventory varies, but examples of the type of resources available can be found here:
Participation in a Booth/Tabling Event: Multnomah County Emergency Management participates in a limited number of disaster preparedness events throughout the year.
Other/Not Sure: If after reading through the descriptions of our available services, you are unsure which options may best suit your needs and your community, we are available to talk you through it. Please select “no” for each section, and fill out the very last question on the form (“If you are not sure what kind of event you would like to request from Multnomah County Emergency Management…”) with as much information as possi
For example, a regularly scheduled meeting, an annual gathering, any specific group or topic focus, etc.
If yes, please note that you event must be open to the general public to be included on the Multnomah County Emergency Management event calendar.
Please note that not all resources are available in multiple languages.
Please note that not all resources Multnomah County Emergency Management can provide are available in multiple languages.
We will work to coordinate with them to avoid overlap in messaging or resources.