Echo Hawaii 2026/2027 Course Co-Director Application

This application applies to the Co-Director position for our Echo Hawaii live course.

Please be sure to scroll down to complete all information.

The submit button is at the bottom of the form.

I am an Active Member of ASE*
I am a Fellow of ASE (FASE)*
I am aware and will comply to the requirement that I must resign or refuse any leadership role associated with another organization's cardiovascular ultrasound education.*


include course name and year


I am willing to commit to a possible 4-year term (2 years as Co-Director and 2 years as Director)*

Upon submission of your application

1.    A confirmation email will be sent with instructions to complete the ASE disclosure form.

2. You will be redirected to upload the required application materials listed below. It may take a few seconds to redirect you to the upload window. Please be patient.

  • Your CV
  • Your Letter of Recommendation
  • Your Letter of Interest