Search Initiation Request Form


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If multiple departments/ units plan to hire from this search, select all as appropriate.

Note: The selected candidate should be appointed in a department that aligns with their area of specialization. If this search allows for candidates who specialize in areas outside of the department that is managing the search, please select all of the appropriate departments/ units.

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Recruitment Dates

OPEN DATE: Will be determined by Academic Affairs based on the approval of the recruitment plan.

Applicants should apply by this date to ensure full consideration. The search or slot may not be closed prior to this date. The review date cannot take place prior to the minimum posting period: 30 days for faculty searches; 15 days for non-faculty academic searches. Enter the date OR number of months OR days from the open date to indicate your review date (additional review dates may be submitted later):

FINAL DATE: Final date for ALL recruitments will automatically default to 18 months from the open date (which is the maximum posting time).

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Please Note: Title code modifications are not permitted once the 1st applicant has applied. Consider selecting multiple series and ranks (as appropriate) to allow for more hiring flexibility.

If you selected YES above, you MUST complete the Supervisory Duties Checklist & preliminary questionnaire found here: and email both documents to Please contact your Shared Services Academic Manager if you have any questions.

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If you select Reference Contacts: Applicants will submit names and email addresses of references with their application. You will be able to solicit their references via the AP Recruit system. Letters solicited by the department through AP Recruit may be used in the Advance appointment packet for the candidate of choice. If you select Reference Letters: Applicants will solicit their references via the AP Recruit system. Any received letters automatically become part of the applicant’s application. Letters solicited by applicants may not be used in the Advance appointment packet.

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Search Committee

Faculty Core Search Committee Requirements ( for question 15- 17):

Minimum of 4 faculty members: includes search committee chair and at least 1 faculty member from another department. May include Recall Faculty if needed. May not include VCP or WOS faculty w/o step.

  • For SOM, SOD, and SOP: 50% women, nonbinary, gender nonconforming individuals, or underrepresented minorities

  • For SON: 25% men, nonbinary, gender nonconforming individuals, or underrepresented minorities

Efforts should be made to include other marginalized groups, such as individuals with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and veterans.

For definition of underrepresented minorities, visit:

If the search committee composition does not meet the requirement for your school, please contact your school’s dean’s office.

Search Committees are encouraged but not required for Non-Faculty Academic searches. For questions, please contact your school’s dean’s office.

PLEASE NOTE: All committee members must have an employee ID number in order to use AP Recruit. (You may upload a list of the committee members in the attachments section, question #22)

(This person will have full access to review and manage all applicants in AP Recruit)

(These people will only have viewing access of applicants who have completed the application process) Use commas to separate names.

(These people will only have viewing access of applicants who have completed the application process) Use commas to separate names. Please indicate the Members' home departments.

For faculty searches: may include VCP, WOS faculty w/o step, staff, and non-faculty academics as appropriate to the recruitment, but will not be counted towards the demographic of the core committee. For non-faculty academic searches: may include anyone who requires viewing access. Note: Non-UCSF employees must have an AFFEMP affiliate access in OLPPS in order to use AP Recruit. Use commas to separate names.

These individuals require access to the recruitment, but are not considered part of the search committee.

Search committees should be comprised of 50% women, nonbinary, gender nonconforming individuals, or underrepresented minorities for SOM, SOD, and SOP.

25% men, nonbinary, gender nonconforming individuals, or underrepresented minorities for SON. For the definition of underrepresented minorities, please visit:

Please indicate your acknowledgement below:

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If the committee composition does not meet the requirement of the School, please explain:

Salary Range Requirement

Your Academic Recruitment Specialist will determine the salary range for the position(s), according to the UC salary scales. A statement that includes the salary range will be added to your advertisement.

To help us determine the appropriate salary range for Faculty positions, complete questions 20 and 20a below.

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The HSCP salary scale(s) will help us determine the minimum base (X + X') salary range to include in the job posting.

If multi-department/ multi-scale, please include all relevant HSCP salary scales.

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If the position for this search will be paid by an affiliate (e.g. VAMC; CCFMG; Gladstone; etc), and the affiliate has opened a concurrent search, please enter the job posting link for their search. If no search has been opened, please provide the link to the affiliate's salary information.

Drag and drop MULTIPLE files: a) List of search committee members (optional) b) Copy of advertisement (REQUIRED) Ad templates may be found here:

Drag and drop files here or

FOR NON-FACULTY ACADEMIC SEARCHES ONLY: If you would like your Academic Recruitment Specialist to create your advertisement, select "Yes" and complete the necessary fields that follow OR complete and attach the supplement form found here:

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Include supervisory responsibilities if applicable.

For Specialist and Professional Research positions: Required qualifications per the ARU contract will automatically be included in the job posting (see below).

Required Qualifications for Series in the Academic Researchers Union:

Specialist Series:

  • Junior Specialist - Baccalaureate degree (or equivalent degree) or at least four years of research experience
  • Assistant Specialist - Master’s degree or a baccalaureate degree with 3 or more years of research experience
  • Associate Specialist - Master’s degree (or equivalent degree) or five to ten years of experience in the relevant specialization
  • Full Specialist - terminal degree (or equivalent degree) or ten or more years of experience in the relevant specialization

Professional Research Series:

  • All ranks - Doctorate or its equivalent.

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