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If yes, what is your patron number/work location?
Have we donated to your event/organization in the past 12 months?
Type of organization / event:
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Purpose of Event/Donation
What type of donation/sponsorship are you seeking?
Gift Basket
Gift Card
Monetary Donation
Please give specifics (amount/value/# looking for)
If an event, how many people are attending?
Who/What will this donation benefit and how?
How is this being promoted?
Date of Event/Needed By (request must be received 4 weeks in advance)
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Event Location
If approved, who will pick up the donation?
If approved, when would you pick up the donation?
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Preferred Pick Up
Cady Cheese (Wilson, WI)
Burnett Dairy Cooperative (Grantsburg, WI)
Mail (Check and/or Gift Card Only)
If Receiving a Check, Who is the Check Payable to
and What is the Shipping Address
City, State Zip
Do you need Burnett Dairy's logo for promotion?
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Anything else you'd like to mention?
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