Out of State Work Location Request Form

Out of State Work Location Request Form

This form is used for candidates who are being submitted for approval to work outside of the state of Georgia. Justification of request should include specific reasons that the employment is essential and critical to the teaching and research mission and how it cannot be met by a USG institution employee or a state of Georgia resident.


-Approvals from UHR and Payroll must be obtained prior to offers or agreements being made.

-This form must be submitted 8 weeks in advance of an offer to ensure the applicable state and country requirements are met.

If the request is approved:

Units are financially responsible for the costs of legal and tax compliance, and for any recurring administrative costs and penalties incurred by the institution for each out of state employee within their unit.

Units are responsible for submitting a Telework/Flextime Agreement.

Please visit the Out of State Website for important information and steps: https://hr.uga.edu/Information_Directory/out_of_state_employment/