AHA Certifications Ambassador Form
Congratulations on earning and maintaining your certification! Your contributions to the health care field help ensure communities around the country are supported and patients get the care they need.
Contribute your voice to encourage other professionals to elevate their professional goals by sharing your certification journey!
Please include your full name as it appears on your credential:
Please include any professional designation you would like included alongside your name (i.e.: BSN, JD)
Choose what certification(s) you have earned from the drop down menu (multiple choice)
Is there a specific goal, project or metric that your certification positively impacted?
Share the main reason you chose to earn your certification through the American Hospital Association Certification Center:
From the initial thought of getting certified to receiving your certification, what was your journey? Do you have any advice for future applicants?
Did you receive a promotion, bump in your salary or other incentive from your employer/the job market since receiving your certification?
Did earning your certification increase your on-the-job confidence or improve working relationships with leadership? Share an example below:
Would you like us to tag you on LinkedIn? Please share your personal handle.
Please include a high-quality professional headshot. Feel free to add other supporting documents you feel would tell your story as well.
We're beginning to strategize for certification going forward. Would you be interested in being part of an internal task force to raise awareness about the importance of certification? (This is NOT a commitment, we will contact you if a group is formed).
By submitting this form, I consent to use of my name, credential earned and any associated quotes or photos submitted in recruitment and retention efforts with the AHA. Submissions may be revised for clarity and brevity.