Noorda-COM Cares Fund Request
Noorda-COM's Student Emergency Fund provides limited emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are facing financial hardship that directly impacts the student's ability to stay enrolled in school and/or to be successful.
To be eligible, students must:
- Have an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, or unexpected critical incident.
- Be currently enrolled in classes at Noorda-COM.
- Explore all other financial resources to address the hardship, including meeting with Christina Twelves, Director of Financial Aid, to determine if they have access to additional financial aid funds to assist with the unexpected emergency.
- Complete the Student Emergency Fund Request Form and provide documentation to support the request (i.e., invoice, estimate, or receipt detailing the cost of the expense, evidence of attempts to mitigate the expense, etc.)
Please note that this request will be reviewed by the Professionalism, Academics, and Clinical Committee (PACC) and decisions will be communicated as soon as possible. PACC may request additional information from various departments (i.e., Learning Services, Financial Aid, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, etc.) on campus before rendering a decision. By submitting your request you are authorizing the committee to request information from relevant areas across campus.