ISGC Proposal Submission Form


Please use this form to submit your proposal to ISGC for consideration. In the event you are submitting multiple proposals, please submit one form for each proposal.

If you are looking for travel support for a Higher Education faculty member, please visit Idaho NASA EPSCoR and explore INE collaboration grants:

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you!

The ISGC Team

Proposal Type*

Please make sure you select the correct proposal type, as the form adapts questions to your selection. Please read the descriptions below:

  • Higher Education - Up to $25,000 for activities such as participation in STEM-focused competitive teams (e.g., robotics teams, etc.), participation in NASA-organized activities, workshops, special courses, or other activities to increase post-secondary student engagement in STEM fields.

  • K-12/Informal Education - Up to $25,000 for activities such as competitions, camps, mentoring, outreach, or other projects that happen either in or out of school, focused on K-12 age students.

  • Higher Education Student Travel Grant - Up to $5,000 for short-term travel expenses for undergraduate or graduate students attending an Idaho Institution to attend a conference, event, training, and other similar activity.

  • K-12/Informal Education STEM Travel Grants - Up to $5,000 to cover activities such as travel to competitions, camps, science centers, field trips, or educator professional development activities.

  • Unsolicited - A grant proposal that does not fit the mold of any of the choices listed.

Last name of the Principal Investigator, Project Lead, or Applicant

First name of the Principal Investigator, Project Lead, or Applicant

If you are student, you can use your year in school and major (.e.g., Junior, Mechanical Engineering, etc.)

Last name of the Co-PI, Project Assistant, or Research Advisor, if any

Last name of the Co-PI, Project Assistant, or Research Advisor, if any

This could be the title of your proposal, event you are traveling to, or name of your team

What institution are you from? Please select from the list below. If you are not on the list, select Other and type your institution name into the comment box that appears.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

All proposals must be associated with an ISGC Affiliate institution.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

What is your assigned VERAS proposal number?

How much are you requesting from ISGC?

Who will ISGC need to reimburse for your travel? For example, if you are paying for your travel using your own personal funds, put your name here. If your school/institution is paying for your travel, then list the school/institution.

How much cost share are you proposing from your institution or program? Most ISGC programs require a 1:1 cost share. For questions about cost share, please email


For complete details on what to include in your proposal, see the solicitations on our website

Please upload the following:

Proven Idaho Program proposal:

1) Your proposal as an MS Word document

2) Your budget as an MS Excel file

Higher Education, K-12/Informal Education, and Unsolicited:

1) Your proposal as a PDF

2) Your proposed budget as an MS Excel file

3) A brief Statement of Work summarizing your plan (in PDF)

4) A cost share allocation form (Required from University of Idaho proposers only) - Download the form here:

Higher Education Student Travel Grant, K-12/Informal Education STEM Travel Grant:

1) Your proposal as a PDF

2) Your proposed budget as an MS Excel file

Drag and drop files here or