Invite Elected Officials to Your Event
The ZAP program provides a means to invite elected officials to your events, which includes Salt Lake County Council and the County Mayor. While you are allowed to send more than one invitation to elected officials per year, because elected officials often have extremely full schedules, we encourage you to be judicious in the invites you send. You are able to extend an invitation to both an elected official and a guest. This form must be submitted for each individual event, unless it's multiple events within a festival-type setting. If you are wanting to invite officials to a season or series of programs, please submit each event at least two weeks but no more than five weeks prior to the event's RSVP date. ZAP does not expect organizations to invite elected officials to fundraisers for free. --- PLEASE NOTE: Invitations are sent to officials in batches approximately every two weeks. Because of this, we recommend you submit your invitation 3-4 weeks head of your RSVP date (or if no RSVP, your event date), in the event it is submitted just after a batch has been sent.