Supplier Registration Form - Canada
Please provide an overview of your company and what differentiates you from your competitors (150 words max.)
Geographical Areas where you offer services (Country, Provinces/ States, Region)
If you selected "Other", please specify.
Supplier Diversity & Inclusion is an important contributor to our corporate mission of ensuring that we are being inclusive in our supply chain practices and reflective of our communities, employees, and client base.
A qualified Diverse Business is one that is at minimum 51 percent owned, controlled, and managed by a member(s) of historically underutilized groups. Examples include, but are not limited to women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, members of visible minorities, veterans, or members of the 2SLGBT+ community.
The information you provide below will be used only for the purposes of increasing our engagement opportunities with diverse-owned businesses.
Please select the Supplier Diversity certifications your company holds. Please select all that apply. Only current and valid certifications should be selected.
Provide Province name or directory name