Greenhouse Innovation Center Research Project Requests

Please submit one request per project. Upon submission the web form will reload for additional requests. You will have to re-enter required information fields as these do not re-load from previous entries. * Indicates required field.

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Must be an UNL email address

*Note - large project requests (more than 10 pots or trays) should be filled out one month prior to start date. Small project requests (less than 10 pots or trays) should be filled out 2 weeks prior to start date. An earlier start date may be accommodated if time and space allow.

Please attach any documents you feel may be helpful to understanding the project.

Drag and drop files here or

Plant density will be determined by greenhouse staff.

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(i.e. contain recombinant genetic material)

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(i.e. require APHIS Permit or Notification for release)

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Click the link for more information regarding Biosafety Levels: (Also available on the Greenhouse webpage)

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*Biological containment is the use of biological means to block plant sexual and vegetative reproduction and to prevent the spread and persistence of genetic material in the environment.

If not, copy & paste this link to take the training:

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By clicking this box I agree that I have read and agree to the policies described on the UNL Phenotyping Website.