ESSER III District Safe Return & Continuity of Services Plan

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Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Each district must complete and submit a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan to ODE by August 27, 2021. The Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan serves the following purposes: 1) Replaces the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Operational Blueprint required under Executive Order 21-06; and 2) Meets the requirements for: a) An operational plan required under OAR 581-022-0106(4), while aligning the CDC Guidance on School Reopening with the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework for the 2021-22 School Year (RSSL Resiliency Framework); b) Section 2001(i)(1) of the ARP ESSER and the US Department of Education’s Interim Final Requirements for Safe Return/Continuity of Services Plan; and c) Communicable Disease Plan and Isolation Plan under OAR 581-022-2220 (Division 22 requirements). To best support students and families with the safest possible return to school for the 2021 school year, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has created an operational plan template to align guidance from the federal and state level in support of local decision-making and transparency of health and safety measures in the communities that school districts serve. The required template for the Plan is linked below. Please read the entire Instructions document prior to completing the Plan template. Instructions: Plan Template:


Each district is required to certify the following:

By signing this document, I agree to each of the certifications listed above and further certify that: To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information and data included in this plan are true and correct.

Please type in your full name to acknowledge that to the best of your knowledge and belief, all information and data included with this plan are true and correct

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