Clinical Ethics Fellowship Application

Thank you for your interest in the Clinical Ethics Fellowship position at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. Applicants should posess an advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline with preference given to candidates with terminal degrees in bioethics, philosophy, medicine, behavioral sciences, law, social sciences, nursing, social work, religious studies, and other fields related to the practice of clinical and academic bioethics. Exceptional candidates with masters-level degrees may be considered. Candidates with a PhD in philosophy are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates are also expected to possess strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work independently and collaboratively, excellent oral and written communication skills, conflict resolution, organizational skills, as well as presentation and teaching skills. Please note: Unfortunately due to Stanford Graduate Medical Education (GME) regulations, we cannot accept or review applications from prospective international fellows. For questions, please contact the Fellowship Coordinator, Emma Villarreal ( ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS UNTIL JANUARY 15, 2024.


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Please note: Unfortunately due to Stanford Graduate Medical Education (GME) regulations, we cannot accept or review applications from prospective international fellows.

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Please upload a CV and cover letter in PDF format. Note that final candidates must provide at least two writing samples/publications.

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