NCJIS Connection Survey
The Nevada Criminal Justice Information System’s (NCJIS) Modernization effort is transforming the various systems that compose the new Nevada Civil and Criminal Information System (NCCIS) web portal. This modernization effort will add critical system functionality for authorized criminal justice and civil business users.
Why this survey?
Enterprise IT Services (EITS) is experiencing a high volume of VPN additions.
Should criminal justice agencies decide to access the new NCJIS environment through a SilverNet VPN connection, then it will be important to manage these service requests.
What is the difference in connection between the SilverNet VPN and/or connecting through the Internet?
Option A: Through the Internet
- Provides, new, secure capability
- Meets all CJIS security requirements
- May eliminate the VPN and all associated costs of equipment, service, and related circuits
Option B: Through the SilverNet VPN
- Has all associated costs as before
- Is secure and compliant with CJIS security requirements.
If your agency decides to go with Option B, through the SilverNet VPN, it is essential that you make these arrangements now.
To help understand demand levels and facilitate this process, please respond to this survey below by 5.24.23.
This will help EITS manage any anticipated VPN service requests schedule these appropriately.
The NCJIS Modernization Team appreciates your timely assistance.