Speaker Details
On behalf of the Healthcare Innovation team, we look forward to your participation in the 2024 Healthcare Innovation Texas Summit
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Location: Blossom Hotel Houston, 7118 Bertner Ave
Houston, TX 77030
Agenda: https://www.hisummits.com/southeast_summit_2024/Agenda2
Time Commitment:
- Prep call with Healthcare Innovation – 30-minute meeting to be held 2-3 weeks out from the event
- Healthcare Innovation is available for additional planning calls as needed
- In-person session
- Gail Killough will confirm the time of your session with you via calendar reminder
The summits primarily attract mid-level to senior leaders (project/program managers, directors and above) who work within the CMIO, CNIO, Innovation, CIO and CTO organizations at their healthcare delivery organizations. The audience is a mix various healthcare delivery organization types and sizes and often includes payer organization attendees, some government and military, and occasionally, academia. The attendees are a mixture of clinicians who have a strong interest in technology and those who are focused on how policy, operational and technology improvements in healthcare.
Additional Information
Lodging: Healthcare Innovation will reserve your hotel room on-site. Any hotel accommodations not arranged by Endeavor will not be reimbursed.
- Travel: Healthcare Innovation will reimburse travel costs (airfare, ground transportation and/or mileage).
- Parking: Healthcare Innovation will validate your valet parking or it will be covered under your hotel reservation
- Please review and complete the Speaker Agreement
If you have any questions, please contact Gail Killough, Conference Manager, gkillough@endeavorb2b.com