Crown reserves camping registration form

The NSW Government lifted the ban on holidays and camping from 1 June 2020 under the updated Public Health Order A requirement for campground re-opening is to prepare and follow a COVID-19 Safety Plan. The Safety Plans consider the wellbeing of staff and visitors, physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning and record keeping. Many of the campgrounds on Crown reserves are remote with very basic infrastructure and serviced irregularly. They are often free with no designated sites or facility to book a site. The Safety Plans require the department to collect camper information that can be provided to NSW Health in the event of a COVID-19 event. NSW Health can then use this information to find other people who may have been exposed to the virus. This information will be kept for a period of at least 28 days. Information collected will only be used for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely. This Camping Registration Form is not a booking and is not used to actively monitor the number of visitors in a given location. If you are planning to camp along the following long distance trails or Crown Land camping reserves please submit a Camping Registration Form. •    Six Foot Track •    Bridle Trail •    Hume and Hovell Track •    Great North Walk •    Clarence Canoe and Kayak Trail * Belmont Wetlands State Park * Farquhar Park (camping fees apply - payable onsite) The COVID-19 Safety Plan also requires campers to undertake the following actions: - Campers are responsible for their own safety. - Please practice social distancing and maintain good hygiene. - Campers must not gather in groups of more than 30. Social distancing must be maintained between groups and within groups (unless they are from the same household). - The two square metres of space per person rule, with particular attention to shared facilities and areas such as ablutions and other communal areas. - Campers are reminded be mindful of touch-points and practice good hygiene. - Toilet and other facilities at these primitive campsites are not cleaned by the Department/contractors and cannot be guaranteed surfaces and touch-points are sterilised. - Campers please obey all onsite signage. - Access to sanitation products and running water cannot be guaranteed. We recommend bringing hand soap, hand wipes and toilet paper with you to maintain good hygiene as advised by the NSW Government. - If you are unwell, please stay at home. - We appreciate your cooperation to ensure camping holidays can continue to be enjoyed. Please be patient with and considerate of your fellow campers. - Some campgrounds may remain or be closed where the risk to public safety from COVID-19 cannot be managed – Please seek local agency advice. - Camping in National Parks and State Forests also requires registration and or booking please contact these agencies through below links: NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service - NSW Forestry Corporation For up to date information about COVID-19 visit NSW Department Planning, Industry and Environment - Crown Lands

Track name*

Six Foot Track, Bridle Trail and Clarence Kayak trail - Please select the campground/s you intend to stay at during your trip from the list below. If camping on the Hume and Hovell Track or the Great North Walk you may need to register your intent with National Parks or Forestry Corp also. Please provide your intended route only on this form.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Aged 16 years and over

Under 16 years of age

Camping conditions

When you complete this form, Crown Lands which is part of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), located at Level 4, 437, Hunter Street, Newcastle 2300, will collect your personal information. If you are under the age of 16 your must have your parent or guardian provide your personal information in this form. You may provide the personal information of other people when you complete this form. Before you do so, you must obtain their consent to provide this information and for it to be used in accordance with this Privacy Notice. DPIE is collecting your personal information for the purpose registering your intended camping or travel on Crown Land managed trails and campgrounds and to manage the safety and wellbeing of visitors for the purpose of COVID-19. Personal information collected in this form will be shared with the NSW Police or NSW Health to help facilitate an emergency response or public health crises, if required. DPIE will not otherwise disclose your personal information to any other third party, unless you provide consent, or it is permitted, or required to do so, under law. Providing your personal information to DPIE is voluntary, as camping is a voluntary activity. But failure to provide your personal information will mean that DPIE will be unable to register your intended travel. You have a right to access your personal information that is held by DPIE. You also have a right to request that it be corrected or amended. For further information please contact DPIE at or visit our website. Please check the box to acknowledge you understand this privacy information

By submitting the online camping registration form you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the following: I confirm that the information that I have provided in this form is complete and accurate. I confirm that I will ensure my group will abide by the COVID-19 Safety Plan actions for campers as outlined on this registration form and will provide details of my group to NSW Health, or police if required. I confirm that have read and understood the Privacy Notice and agree to my personal information being collected and managed in accordance with the Privacy Notice. I understand this form does not constitute approval by DPIE or Crown Lands to undertake the trip. I understand and agree that I am responsible for the necessary planning and preparation for my trip. Please check the box and click Submit