Resolution Submission Form

Resolutions afford AAP members the opportunity to provide input regarding AAP efforts to address important child health issues. All resolutions are advisory to the Board of Directors.

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Please contact Jonathan Faletti with any questions using this form. Resolutions are due by April 1, 2025 at 11:59pm Central.

Once Submitted, resolutions are property of the Leadership Conference and subject to change. Resolutions should not be shared outside of AAP membership.

The title should be concise and reflect the action of the resolution

The sponsor of the resolution must be identified. Resolutions must be sponsored by chapters, committees, councils, or sections. Sponsorship implies agreement with the intent of the resolution and the sponsoring group has verified all the information included in the resolution.

The whereas statement(s) should define the problem and state a solution is possible. Whereas statements are not voted on and each whereas statement should be no longer than one sentence to assure the focus remains on the resolved portion(s) of the resolution.

Each resolution must contain a resolved which stands alone and requests action by the Academy. The resolution also may not include bullet points within the resolves. For clarity, authors are encouraged to be as succinct as possible. Resolutions maybe not have more than two resolves.

Fiscal notes are generally supplied by staff, but whenever possible, the authors are encouraged to supply fiscal notes upon resolution submission.

Fellow(s) of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAPs) who drafted the resolution and can be contacted for clarification. Resident and candidate fellows who author resolutions must obtain the support of an AAP full fellow (FAAP) to co-author the resolution. District Chairpersons and District Vice Chairpersons are not eligible to be authors of resolutions. Resolutions are limited to two authors.

Limit to 500 words. Include any additional information that was not included in the whereas statements.

Limit to 5 references. Please include hyperlinks where possible. References will be verified.

I confirm all the information included in this resolution, including references is verifiable