Marijuana Application for Special Land Use Hearing
In order to establish one of the 7(seven) Marijuana uses in the City of Detroit, each use must obtain site plan approval, conditional land use approval (public hearing), meet all location restrictions, receive certificate of occupancy and obtain a city business license. Applications can only be submitted through this on-line process. Any supporting documents must be labeled and uploaded separately. No applications will be accepted in person, via email or U.S mail. * Be advised, the number of marijuana provisioning center licenses is limited to 75 by Section 20-6-34 of the 2019 Detroit City Code. Zoning approval for a marijuana provisioning center does not guarantee that you will eventually obtain a license for this use* For security purposes: BE SURE TO BLACK OUT/REDACT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ON DOCUMENTS YOU SUBMIT; e.g. tax returns, contracts, financials. ************ As of now, you can apply for zoning approval for the following types of uses: • Provisioning Center / Retailer • Grower • Processor • Secured Transporter • Safety Compliance • Designated Consumption Establishment • Microbusiness