IAS 2025 Annual Meeting Tutorial Proposals

Insert tutorial title

Insert name, affiliation and email address of instructor team

Limited to 500 words

Tutorials are 180 minutes in length excluding breaks

Please provide preferred day (PLEASE CONFIRM DATES AND I WILL INSERT)

Outline shall define the topics and subtopics. Time allocation and instructor breakdown by topics is recommended.

Describe tutorial format, (traditional lecture, software/hardware, demonstration, interactive audience polls/quizzes, worksheets, discussion, etc.) Note any equipment or space requirements beyond a laptop and projector. List targeted audience & tutorial difficulty level, including any pre-requisite knowledge.

Please insert the bios of the session organizers (< 200 words for each organizer). Each biography shall include the qualifications most relevant to the proposal. Past tutorial/teaching experience and outcome can be highlighted. External website links can be included but may not be reviewed.

OPTIONAL: any additional comments not cover by the fields

OPTIONAL: upload any additional information (CV, poster, references)

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