Instructions for Specific Colleges/Schools/Courses
GRADUATE STUDENTS: If applicable, please request a letter for your Graduate Coordinator, Graduate Advisor, and the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) Chair on the following page. That information can be found here:
MEDICAL students do NOT request accommodation letters for your courses in the D&A Student Portal.
DELL MEDICAL SCHOOL: ONLY request a letter for your college contact Travis Crook.
COLLEGE OF PHARMACY: Request a letter for Renee Acosta (in addition to requesting regular Accommodation Letters through the D&A Student Portal).
SCHOOL OF NURSING: Request a letter for Vinh T Nguyen (in addition to requesting regular Accommodation Letters through the D&A Student Portal).
INCOMPLETE COURSE: Please complete the Incomplete Course section with appropriate course information. If you need to request accommodation letters for multiple incomplete courses, you should submit a request for each, individual course.
UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (UEX): Follow the process outlined on the D&A website:
PLACEMENT EXAMS: Follow the process outlined on the D&A website:
WEB-BASED CLASSES: Request regular accommodation letters through the D&A Student Portal. If your class is entirely online, you may email your letter to your instructor but you still must communicate with them about which accommodations will apply in an online/web-based class.