External Provider Referral Form
What is your primary language?:
Check the boxes that most accurately describe your ethnic origin:
Check the boxes that most accurately describe your race:
All Inpatient referrals must be sent by Crisis Services and/or an Emergency Department. Please call 802-258-3700 for more details.
For TMS, please complete the TMS specific referral form.
For Esketamine, please complete the Specialty Medication Clinic specific referral form.
Briefly describe the patient's presenting problem(s) and most recent helpful intervention(s):
As a note, for PHP, the requirement is for 5 hours of continuous, confidential, private space.
Please list current diagnoses below:
Check all that apply
If yes, please check the appropriate box beside each category:
The following self-assessment tool is for individuals who wish to determine their own strengths and areas for improvement. (Completed by client/patient or with provider).
To fully process this referral, please upload or fax a copy of:
1.) the most recent medical note
2.) medication history and
3.) the front and back of the individual's insurance card.
Fax: 802-258-3788
If the requested documents are not received, the referral cannot be fully processed and will result in a delay. If you are faxing these documents, please indicate so. Thank you.