WordPress Website Set Up Questions

These questions help us build your website shell and turn on the features you want to use as well as help your website get more visibility.

Will anyone besides the requestor and main editor (already entered in the online form) need permission to edit the website? (This is where graduate students or other collaborators can be listed.)

Examples: Increase awareness of research; information requests via email or phone call; drive participant or research assistant recruitment; receive offers to collaborate on research from inside and outside the University; attract donors and funding for programs and research; etc.

Does your website need any of the following?

(Check all that apply.)

Once this form and the chair/director’s approval of your website request are received, your website shell will be created and you and your editors will be given access to add content to your website.


Ask Alisha Zika, email hswebdsn@iastate.edu, phone 515-294-9304. We welcome you to fill out our research website feedback form at the end of this process.

Enjoy your research website!