Faculty Syllabus and Office Hours Submission Form (Fall 2024)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please upload a copy of the syllabus for each course that you are teaching and ensure the following:
1) Naming Convention: Name your syllabus file(s) using the course ID number and the CRN. Example: “AHIS1-23214.”
2) Be sure to include your: -Mt.SAC contact information -Office Hours
3) It is recommended that you include a statement of accommodations for students with disabilities.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Accreditation requires syllabi to list course student learning outcomes (SLOs). The language for the SLOs can be found at mtsac.edu/slo. Please copy and paste the SLO's into your syllabus EXACTLY as they are on the site.
If you are using Canvas or Google Docs, then upload a PDF of your syllabus rather than selecting the online option. Please do not submit the URL as we cannot access Canvas or Google Docs. All syllabi submitted via URL must be publicly accessible.