Center for Diversity in Engineering/
UVA Clark Scholars Program
Student/CIO Reimbursement Requests
Please use the below form to complete an official reimbursement request. This form is to be used by students requesting reimbursement from their respective CIO gift accounts and/or the Center for Diversity in Engineering/Clark Scholars Program. Please note, if you do not have a current Workday record, the reimbursment coordinator will need to intiate a request for you to register in Payment Works to receive reimbursements.
Reimbursements for travel expenses must be submitted upon completion of travel, not before, and within 30 days of the date of return. For all non-travel transactions, expenses must be submitted within 30 days of incurring the expense. Please see policy FIN-004: Travel, Meals and Entertainment Expenses Incurred on Behalf of the University