Buddy Bus Patient Registration - Orange Park Mall

Thank you for choosing the Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center's Buddy Bus for your annual mammogram. Once this form has been submitted, you can expect a phone call from our scheduling team one week before the scheduled event.

EVENT TIME: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

EVENT DATE: Friday, May 9, 2025

EVENT LOCATION: Orange Park Mall, 1910 Wells Rd. (near Dillard's), Orange Park, FL 32073


Please contact BuddyBus@bmcjax.com

This form will take 5 minutes to complete.

Patient Information


If you are under the age of 40, we recommend you call your insurance company to see if a screening mammogram is covered.

Select or enter value
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(Street, City, State, and Zip code)

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Insurance Information

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If you do not have insurance or your carrier is not listed please type N/A.

Are you the policy holder?*

Drag and drop files here or

Mammography Questionnaire

Is this your first mammogram?*


Please include city, state, and zip code.

According to the American College of Radiology, pregnant patients can receive screening mammograms.

Pregnant women under the age of 30 at high risk for breast cancer, pregnant women age 30 to 39 at medium or high risk for breast cancer, and pregnant women 40 and older should receive screening mammography with lead shielding to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus.

Feb 27, 2019

Do you have breast implants?*

Provider to send results to: