Schools Tech Security Assessment - Fall 2022

We are grateful to the school principals and administrators throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit for the admirable way they balance their many significant responsibilities. Among these is striving to make sure their school technology networks and devices are safe and secure for the students, staff, and families who are all part of the school community.

While some schools are fortunate to have found great resources and programs to ensure their schools’ devices and networks are secured in an ever-changing cyber world, others may not be so fortunate. In this light, we are requesting your responses to a very short survey to identify and assess best practices and ultimately to be able to share this information with all AOD schools.


Please include school name and city

Does your school have a documented Information Technology (IT), Acceptable Use, and/or Social Media Policy?*
Have these policies been communicated to staff, students, and families?*

You may optionally provide copies of any IT policies you would like to share. The purpose of this is to identify best practices and shared standards.

Drag and drop files here or
Does your school have a one-to-one device program where each student is assigned a school-provided device which they utilize in school and at home?*

Do all students receive a device? Or only certain grades? Can the devices be brought home by students?

Select all that apply.

Please list any other devices issued by your school

Are you able to lock down devices and remotely enforce policies on school-provided equipment?*
Is enforcement applied when devices are on and off the school network?*
Are you using a mobile device management (MDM) software?*
Does your school network restrict access to inappropriate material on the internet, whether accessed on a school or personal device?*
Would you or another qualified staff member be interested in being part of a committee to advise on school information technology security policies and best practices?*