Application for Short-Term Pregnancy/Parental Leave (STPPL)
This form is to be filled out by the student requesting leave.
Graduate students may complete this form to request up to six consecutive weeks of Short-Term Pregnancy/Parental Leave (STPPL) for the birth or adoption of a child. In some cases, the student may request Extended STPPL. Please answer all of the following questions completely and accurately.
- The student completes this web-form and clicks "Submit".
- The site will create a PDF with the student's information and email a link to the student and their academic coordinator.
- Download the PDF of your STPPL Application form. This form requires signatures of the student requesting leave, their committee chair, and their graduate program director.
- Attach the agreed-upon Academic Plan to the signed STPPL Application form and submit these documents to your academic coordiantor for review and subsequent forwarding to the Graduate School within myWSU.
Please refer to the Graduate School Policies and Procedures (GSPP 5.A.7) for additional information.