TAMU-CC Golf Cart Request

To help us fulfill your request, please fill in this form as completely as possible. A representative will respond to your request within 1 business day.

Who is driving the Golf Cart? Last name, First Name - Cart Size

Contact Phone Number

Caret IconCaret symbol

Golf Cart Size*

8A-8 seater, 6A-1 of 2 six seater, 4A - 4 seater

Delivery Requested?
EHS Certified*

If no, click below to take the cart training. http://safety.tamucc.edu/training/carttraining.html

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

What time will the cart be needed?

Caret IconCaret symbol

What date will the cart be returned?

What time will the cart be returned?

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please provide any notes or instructions for your request.


Completing this form doesn't confirm your reservation. SSC will contact you regarding your request. If you need to cancel a request, please email facilities.services@tamucc.edu or call 361-825-2324.