Critical Shortage Area Invoice Submission Form

The Critical Shortage Area Certification Exam Reimbursement Opportunity is available to all university-based and non-profit educator preparation programs certifying candidates in the Approved Shortage Areas for the 2022-2023 academic year. TEA will provide eligible programs the opportunity to receive reimbursements that cover the cost of exam vouchers that are used for teacher candidates’ content certification exams aligned to one of the federally designated critical shortage areas.

Program and Contact Information

In the spaces below, please provide your contact and program information as requested.

Please select your program from the list below:

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

In order to process reimbursement requests from public, state universities, the program must provide an up to date 6-digit RTI code to ensure reimbursement funds are correctly routed within the university system. This six-digit RTI code is set up by the program in the USAS system.

Please put "n/a" in the space below if your program is not part of a public, state university.

Voucher Code Order and Invoice Information

In the spaces below, please provide information related to your voucher code order. Reference your order form or the provided resource materials for a list of exams that fall under each of the critical shortage areas listed below.


Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the Bilingual/ESL critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

Special Education

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the Special Education critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

CTE (Secondary)

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the CTE (Secondary) critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

Technology Applications/Comp. Science

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the Technology Applications/Comp. Science critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

Mathematics (Secondary)

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the Mathematics (Secondary) critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

Science (Secondary)

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the Science (Secondary) critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

ELAR (Secondary)

Based on the total number of exam vouchers ordered, please provide an estimate of how many vouchers might be used for certification exams under the ELAR (Secondary) critical shortage area. If you do not anticipate any vouchers being used for exams in this field, indicate this with "0".

*Total number of vouchers indicated here should reflect the total number of vouchers indicated on the invoice AND sum of numbers indicated in the fields above.*

Voucher Order Invoice Submission

Attach a copy or screenshot of the invoice received from Pearson as it relates to the Critical Shortage Exam Voucher Reimbursement Opportunity.

Please ensure that the document/screenshot submitted shows the vouchers ordered and the total amount.

Drag and drop files here or