HazWaste Central Registration Form

Note: HazWaste Central is open on Saturdays ONLY from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Online registration is recommended for participation in HazWaste Central. Please be sure to click "submit" at the end of this form. You do not need to bring a copy of the completed form to the collection. There are staff members at collection events to assist with registration.

Cars are received in the order of arrival - no appointments.     

Personal Information

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Amount of Waste Being Disposed of Today

0 gallons (0)
Caret IconCaret symbol
0 pounds (0)
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Types of Waste Being Disposed of Today

If you are disposing of batteries, please specify what type:

Different types of batteries should not be mixed. Each type should be in a separate bag or box.

Waste Oil, Antifreeze and Auto Batteries

Please specify amounts in gallons

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Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol

Check Box if Disposing of Auto Batteries

We Want to Hear From You

Check Box if Yes

Are you interested in the “PipeSafe to the Rescue” Program?

The RWA's PipeSafe Protection Program provides low-cost coverage for emergency repairs of your in-home plumbing.