Comprehensive ELG School Self-Evaluation (EOY) - Cohorts 5 & 6

The End of Year (EOY) data analysis and goal reporting is a collaborative process between grantees and implementation consultants. However, this report should be completed and submitted by school personnel only.

This form is only for Comprehensive ELG Cohorts 5 & 6 EOY reporting.

When uploading your reports, please ensure each required report follows the requested naming convention formats.

Note : Smartsheet does not save works in progress.

Submitter's Information

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One form per school must be submitted.

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EOY Early Literacy Grant Goal Reporting

This goal applies to the group of K-3 students who participated in both the BOY and end of year (EOY) of the mCLASS® DIBELS 8th assessment.

Progress will be measured and reported using the following:

  • Grantees will use mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Progress Planning Tool - Well Below Benchmark to measure and report on this goal
  • Grantees may also use mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Zones of Growth to measure progress.
  • mCLASS® Lectura ASSESSMENTS (optional, if applicable)
  • Submit Lectura data if you have students whose primary language of literacy instruction is Spanish and provide a narrative
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Please provide any information CDE should be aware of related to this site's status on meeting ELG Goal 1.

This goal applies to the group of K-3 students who participated in both the BOY and end of year (EOY) of the mCLASS® DIBELS 8th assessment.

Proficiency (students performing at or above benchmark on mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition assessment) will be reported using the following:

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Please provide any information CDE should be aware of related to this site's status on meeting on ELG Goal 2.

This goal applies to the group of K-3 students who participated in both the BOY and EOY mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition and scored below benchmark or well below benchmark on the BOY assessment.

This goal is intended to measure the progress and proficiency of students who began the year performing below benchmark on the Acadience Reading assessment.

This 50% can include students who moved from the well below benchmark category to the below benchmark category or above AND students who moved from the below benchmark category to the benchmark category or above.

  • Grantees will use mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Correlation report to report progress and proficiency at the end of the year.
  • mCLASS® Lectura ASSESSMENTS (optional, if applicable)
  • Submit Lectura data if you have students whose primary language of literacy instruction is Spanish and provide a narrative
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Please provide any information CDE should be aware of related to this site's status on meeting on ELG Goal 2.

Data Reporting File Uploads

Evidence must be provided for every goal that is marked as "met".

Goal 1 "Met" Evidence: If you selected "Met" for goal one, attach your completed mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Progress Planning Tool - Well Below Benchmark

  • School Code_School Name_ G1

Goal 2 "Met" Evidence: If you selected "Met" for goal two, attach your completed mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Progress Planning Tool - At/Above Benchmark Levels

  • School Code_School Name_ G2

Goal 3 "Met" Evidence: If you selected "Met" for goal three, attach your K-3 mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Correlation report(s)

  • School Code_School Name_ G3

Literacy Evaluation Tool (LET) must be uploaded for all sites.

  • School Code_School Name_LET

mCLASS® Lectura ASSESSMENTS (optional, if applicable)

  • Submit Lectura data if you have students whose primary language of literacy instruction is Spanish and provide a narrative
  • School Code_School Name_ Lectura

More than one file may be added. Evidence must be provided for each goal that has been marked as "met". Completed LET must also be added in this section.

Please Note:

  • Upload the completed Literacy Evaluation Tool (LET)
  • Each goal requires different reports as evidence listed in the previous section
  • mCLASS Lectura data may also be optionally added in addition to, and not in lieu of, the required reports
  • Please use the naming conventions listed in the description above.
Drag and drop files here or

School Leadership

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The SLT is required to meet a minimum of one time per month throughout the school year. Select all that apply.

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Select all that apply.

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Use this field to further explain the answers in the leadership section and to elaborate on the the district and school leadership involvement in the grant work being done.


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Select only the months in which all three roles (Literacy Coach, ELG Implementation Consultant, & Administrator) were present for meetings, either in person or virtually

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If not all staff have made this commitment, select "Not Met" and explain in the feedback question for this section. Avoid using personally identifiable information in your responses.

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Use this field to further explain the answers in the staff section and to elaborate on the grant work being done at the instructional and coaching levels.

Curriculum Assurances

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Assessments and Data Collection

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All three tools must have been used in order to select "Met"

  • mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Zones of Growth (ZoG)
  • CDE provided mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Progress Planning Tools - Reaching Benchmark
  • CDE provided mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition Progress Planning Tools - and Well Below Benchmark
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  • Students in Well Below Benchmark: every 7-10 days
  • Students in Below Benchmark: every 10-12 days
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Include benchmark, interim, and progress monitoring systems. Be sure to address frequency of the different assessments, and how data analysis informs instructional decision making.

Professional Development

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All members of the SLT must have completed the required training.

  • Note that some members of the SLT may be required to attend more PD than others.
  • All requirements for different roles on the SLT must have been met to select "met".
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ELG Implementation Consultant Partnership

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Student-level, classroom-level, grade level, and K-3 school level data should be reviewed collectively throughout the year.

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Implementation & Planning

Select "Met" if the school provides updates beyond the minimum required one time per month meetings. If no updates between the required monthly meetings are provided, select "Not Met" and explain in the feedback section for Implementation & Planning.

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Include information on how the school updates the ELG implementation consultant between the monthly required meetings.

ELG Funding

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Check the box below for a copy of your responses.