File a complaint to the Office of Police Conduct Review

The Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR) investigates allegations of misconduct by Minneapolis Police Officers.

Please provide as much detail as possible. Your thoroughness and accuracy will help us to fully investigate your complaint.

All online complaints will be considered official.

Complainant information

City of Minneapolis, Department of Civil Rights, Office of Police Conduct Review

Providing contact information is helpful to our investigation if we have any questions. Complaints may be submitted anonymously.

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The following three fields have no bearing on the merit of your complaint; they are used purely for statistical purposes.

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Witness information

Please provide specific information of other individuals present, if known.

Note: A witness is someone in addition to the complainant (you).

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If there was more than one witness, please list their information here.

Officer information

If known, please provide as much information as you can.

Incident information

Please provide the most detail as possible.

if date unknown, put "unknown".

If exact location is unknown, try to list nearby buildings/landmarks or cross streets.

Please also indicate AM/PM. If exact time is unknown, please give an estimated range.

CCN is on your blue card, if given. CCN can also be obtained by looking at your Minneapolis Police Department report.

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Please describe the incident with the most detail as possible. Any information provided is helpful (ex: Who? What? Where? When? Why?).

Please attach any documents, files, photos, or videos you have of the incident.

Drag and drop files here or

Dual filing option: complaint of discrimination in public services

The Office of Police Conduct Review investigates complaints to determine whether a police officer’s conduct violated the Minneapolis Police Department’s Policy and Procedure Manual. Allegations determined to show merit can have a range of impacts to the employment status of the officer who is subject to the complaint.

Additionally, if you believe this incident was the result of discrimination based upon a protected class the Civil Rights Complaint Investigations Division is able to investigate whether a police officer’s conduct violates the Minneapolis Civil Rights ordinance which prohibits discrimination in public services. For more information on protected classes, please visit the following site:

Information you provide is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.