Primary.Health Client Support and Request Form

All support and general requests from Clients must be submitted through this form. Once you submit a request, you will receive automatic updates on its status all the way through to resolution or delivery of services. A Client Success team member will be assigned to your request and will work to ensure its resolved in a timely manner.

If you have an urgent issue, please check the box stating this is URGENT. This is typically reserved for major system malfunctions, such as the system not allowing steps to be bypassed. You can also contact our call center at 1-855-970-3223.

Most Common Form Request Types

  1. Product Feature Request - Request for new product features and changes. Subject to Product approval.
  2. Data - Data and looker needs
  3. New Service Configuration - New service type, device, or integration with a laboratory
  4. Test Group Build - Request for a new template or test group to be configured
  5. General: Technical Support - General questions and platform needs
  6. Bug: Technical Issue - Platform error or glitch
  7. Lab Order Issue - An issue with a lab integration or order

Response Timelines

Primary.Health aims to provide excellent customer service at all times. Once a ticket is submitted, you will hear from one of our team members within one business day.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership!

The Primary.Health Client Success Team