Exceptional Principal Investigator Status Request

Please Note: In order to submit a request, you must have the materials listed in Section 5a of the Principal Investigator Status Policy (link added below), including a completed justification form with signatures from the applicant's Department Chair/Unit Director and cognizant Dean. If you have any questions or experience difficulties submitting your request, contact Tiff Dressen at: exceptional_pi@berkeley.edu.

Policy link: https://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/research-policies/principal-investigator-status


I have a Berkeley Lab appointment

MM/DD/YYYY (For appointments with indefinite end dates, please enter "Indefinite.")


MM/DD/YYYY (For continuing status requests, please enter "N/A" for project start and end dates.)

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Principal Investigator: An individual who has primary responsibility for the design, execution, and management of a research project and who will be involved in the project in a significant manner.

Project Director: An individual who has primary responsibility for the design, execution, and management of a training or public service project and who will be involved in the project in a significant manner.

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Please Note: The contact information provided in this section should be for whomever the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research should contact about any questions and status notifications regarding this request. Generally the applicant's research administrator is the appropriate contact.


Upload the following items as a single PDF file (4MB max file size):

  1. A completed justification form with required signatures (Only this form will be accepted.)
  2. A copy of the applicant's curriculum vitae
  3. A one page summary of the applicant's proposed project (project-specific) or research (continuing)
  4. A budget and/or budget justification (Optional for continuing status requests)

To correct any document uploads, please resubmit a completed application, including all documents, and send a notice to exceptional_pi@berkeley.edu.

Drag and drop files here or

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