Franklin Valve RFQ

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The DuraSeal DBB is a mechanically seated, non-lubricated expanding plug valve that provides a provable bubble tight seal for your most critical isolation applications.

The DuraSeal™ 4-Way Diverter Valve offers bubble tight diversion in bi-directional prover loops.

The DuraGate™ Symmetrical Expanding Gate Valve (SEG) is a resilient seated, compact expanding gate valve which utilizes a mechanical wedge action to perform seating and unseating functions.

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Reduced Port (Model D700)

2" - 36” Class 150

2" - 24” Class 300

2" - 20” Class 600

2" - 10” Class 900

Full Bore (Model D600)

2' - 24” Class 150

2" - 18”, 24" Class 300

2" - 12”, 16” Class 600

2" - 8" Class 900


Enter quantity, size, class, and model of valve.

4”, 12”, 16” Class 150

2" - 12”, 16” Class 300

3" - 12" Class 600


Enter quantity, size, and class.

16", 20", 24", 30", 36”, 42" Class 150

12", 16", 20", 24", 30" Class 300


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Aviation Fueling System

Biofuels Product Isolation

Blending Unit

Custody Transfer Unit

Multi-Product Manifold

Offshore Platform

Prover Loop

Tank Farms | Oil Depots


Unknown or see attached

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