Fund Balance Waiver Request for Fiscal Year 2020 Grant Funds

Please use this form to provide the requested information regarding your fiscal year 2020 excess LSC fund balance.

Enter the full name of your organization.

Enter your LSC-issued, six-digit Recipient Identification Number.

Per 45 CFR § 1628.2(b), LSC support is the sum of: 1) the amount of financial assistance awarded by the Corporation to the recipient for the fiscal year included in the recipient's annual audited financial statement, not including one-time and special purpose grants; and 2) any LSC derivative income, as defined in 45 CFR § 1630.2(b), earned by the recipient for the fiscal year included in the recipient's annual audited financial statement, not including derivative income from one-time and special purpose grants.

The LSC fund balance is the excess of LSC support plus the prior year carryover amount over expenditures of LSC funds (including capital acquisitions), as each is reported in the recipient's annual financial statements.

Divide fund balance by LSC support amount for the year.

Select or enter value
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Per 45 CFR § 1628.3(c), recipients may request a waiver to retain a fund balance in excess of 25% of a recipient's LSC support only for extraordinary and compelling circumstances, such as when a natural disaster or other catastrophic event prevents the timely expenditure of LSC funds, or when the recipient receives an insurance reimbursement, the proceeds from the sale of real property, a payment from a lawsuit in which the recipient was a party, or a payment from an LSC-funded lawsuit, regardless of whether the recipient was a party to the lawsuit.

See 1628.4(a)(4).

Per 45 CFR § 1628.4(a), a recipient may request a waiver of the 10% ceiling on LSC fund balances within 30 days after the submission to LSC of its annual audited financial statements.

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