Foreign Engagement Compliance Review (FECR) Registration Form

This form relates to proposed new or renewing foreign engagements of the University of Adelaide. This includes activity arranged on behalf of a University individual through a University of Adelaide contracting entity (ICS, L&R, School/Faculty/Division).

Personal declarations (for individual arrangements made personally, not through a University contracting entity) are to be made at:

Declaration of Interest (DoI) Form

The Foreign Engagement Compliance Review has now been formalised in a framework that is documented here.

The University of Adelaide must be pro-active in safeguarding its autonomy and reputation in a global context. In recent years, the Australian Government has recommended that the Australian higher education sector apply additional vigilance to all international engagements and all research involving critical technologies, citing an unprecedented scale of foreign interference they believe is intended to harm Australia’s national interests. This vigilance should be applied to all University-related activities where the activities involve critical technologies and/or engagements with foreign entities.

Types of activity

To meet Government’s recommendation, and other national and international compliance obligations, the University has established a foreign entity compliance review process for:

  • ANY proposed agreement, variation or renewal of an existing agreement between the University of Adelaide and a foreign entity (including MoUs).
  • ANY proposed multi-party agreement including a foreign entity involving the University of Adelaide in either a lead or non-lead role.
  • ANY proposal to invite an overseas based individual/entity to visit the University (refer Note 1 for exceptions).
  • ANY proposed individual staff appointment (including Honorary ones) with any foreign entity (refer Note 2 for exceptions).
  • ANY proposed individual staff "practice of a discipline" (personal consultancy) engagement with any foreign entity (refer Note 2 for exceptions).
  • ANY activities offshore with foreign entities that have been brokered by Australian companies.

Information required

In completing the form, you will be asked to provide details of the foreign engagement activity and respond to a series of questions about relevant legislative requirements. Compliance with these laws may require additional action by you and/or the University (refer Note 3 for details of compliance requirements). There are resources and assistance available to help you navigate these legal obligations.

Compliance with legal obligations is non-negotiable and significant penalties may apply to you personally, as well as the University, if they are overlooked or ignored. The proposed activity can only be endorsed if identified risks and all legal obligations can be properly managed.

The compliance assessment process

Depending on the nature of the foreign engagement activity you describe, the information you provide may be forwarded on to other people as a part of an activity endorsement process and also to your area head or supervisor. The reason for this is to ensure that any identified risks, including actual or perceived conflicts of interest, are properly managed.

You will be notified via an automated email of the outcome of the compliance assessment process.

A proposed new foreign engagement may not proceed until such time as an automated endorsement email has been received. If an engagement is declined it may not proceed.

Additional information sources

  1. University of Adelaide Integrity and Accountability webpage
  2. University of Adelaide Foreign Compliance webpage
  3. Seek advice from the University's Defence and National Security Officer by emailing