Training/Certification Certificate Copy Request

NOTE: Use this form to request copies of training or certification records. These are for classes or certifications you have already received but are in need of a copy. In this form, you can request a copy of the following:

  1. Copy of a Training Class Certificate of Completion.
  2. Copy of an NWCG certificate.
  3. Copy of a Certification level certificate.

Instructions to Complete This Request Form. (Read these first.)

Note: All fields with a red asterisk * must be completed in order to submit the form.

1) Information often changes over time. Please enter information UFRA would likely have on file so we can locate the appropriate record or certificate.

2) Double-check the spelling of your name, and verify your email address, and phone number. If you've entered incorrect information, we won't be able to look up your profile nor be able to contact you if we have questions.

3) Your UFRA PID # is a unique 5-digit number. You can call our office if you do not know this number. You may also enter 0 (zero).

4) If your department is not in the list, please type your department name into the field. Do not use acronyms.

5) If you do not know the exact title of the training class or certification level you are looking for, please select the one that matches as closely as possible.

6) If you do not know the exact date of the class you completed, please put an approximate date.

7) Your certificate will be emailed to you within 60 days of your request.