2019 MMF Piano Sale Registration
*Notice. We respect your privacy and keep your information private. / *請注意:為尊重您的隱私,我們將嚴格保密您的個人信息。
First Name / 名
Last Name / 姓
Email / 電子郵箱
Phone Number /聯繫電話1
Additional Phone / 聯繫電話2
Please email me an updated inventory list of this sale / 請電郵我最新的庫存列表
Please include information on how to schedule an appointment / 請告知如何預約時間
Please keep me informed about upcoming piano events and promotions / 有任何鋼琴的活動或促銷時請通知我
Preferred appointment date / 請選擇預約日期
Select or enter value
Caret Icon
Caret symbol
Preferred Location / 請選擇地點
Select or enter value
Caret Icon
Caret symbol
What type of piano are you interested in? (Optional) / 您對什麼類型的鋼琴感興趣?
Name of Steinway representative assisting you? / 您的鋼琴顧問是?
Do you have a piano trade in? 您是否有舊鋼琴以舊換新? (Check for "Yes")
Questions or Comments? / 如果您有任何問題或意見請告知
Send me a copy of my responses
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